This feature is available only for Prey Full Suite, and only on the Prey for Computers client.
Keep track of who has which device at any moment with Prey's powerful Device loan manager. With it you can set up loans, set a time at which the loan will end, and even optionally lock the device if it has not been returned.
To setup a loan, navigate to the Device view of the device you want to lend and click on Lend device. From the modal, uou can set up three different kind of loans:
- An open-ended assignment, without return date and no follow-up security actions. Ideal for keeping a tab on devices with permanent users, or flexible loan agendas.
- An unsecured timed loan. If you activate the "Lend device with time rule" switch, you can lend the device with a return date and no follow-up security actions upon expiration.
- A secured timed loan. By activating the "Lend device with time rule", and the "Lock device when loan ends", you create a secured loan with a return date and follow-up lock upon loan expiration. Ideal for device loans in which the device might be at risk of not being returned.
You can change or edit the loan parameters at any moment by clicking on the pencil button. You can also cancel the loan by deleting it, which will remove all information for the loan.
If your device goes missing while a loan is active, you can always Set the device to missing to gather missing reports. While missing, you will not be able to edit the loan parameters. Keep in mind that once the device is set to recovered, the loan will be automatically ended.